Monday, September 24, 2018

Reception Theory

denotation, connotation, colour, pose, framing, composition, size, type of shot, subject matter, setting, lighting.

Denotation: This is poster made by the brand Reebok who are mostly known for their comfortable shoes all across the world. The celebrity that is in the poster is 50 Cent he is a well known rapper, actor and businessman. On May 24, 2000 50 Cent was shot 9 times at point blank range and managed to survive was seemed like an almost certain death. The text on the page "I am what I am" is written in an old font which 
could mean that that 50 cent is an older celebrity and he brings knowledge to Reebok.

Connotation: 50 cent was more famous in the 19's which could suggest that the Reebok are a little old school. Also the black and white would also back this up because a lot of the time black and white images are usually used in older papers and where more famous in previous years.

This is a wide shot which suggests that there's a lot to show, 50 cent covers half the page which shows how important he is that he takes up most of the page.

There are three different fonts on the page which could suggest that Reebok stands for more than one thing for example the writing in the middle is old and more ancient than modern however the writing on the top of the page the writing has a more modern look towards it and it which suggests that Reebok can do old school and new styles.

Because of the fingerprints in the background and the quote we can infer that you should take advantage of today because tomorrow is never promised to anyone.

Related image

Denotation: This is poster made by the Under Armour who are mostly known for their sports clothing all across the world. The celebrity that is in the poster is Anthony Joshua he is a well known British boxer, Anthony Joshua is proof that anyone can change as he came from a harsh background he was arrested on conspiracy to sell drugs only to win gold at Olympics 2 years later. The writing which is Beyond the shadow of doubt also backs my point because a lot of people doubted him because he came to boxing late and no one believed in him.

Connotations: The writing suggest that you can do anything no matter who doubts you and doesn't believe in you. Also because AJ is on the poster it will automatically make you believe this if you know about his struggle. 

The lighting could suggest the doubt because when no one believes you, you are all alone therefore the darkness really presents how lonely you are. Although as you can see the darkness ends after were AJ is standing which suggest that once you reach a certain point nothing can stop you.

This is a wide shot which suggest that there is a lot to show however again a lot of the page is empty which could suggest that there is a lonely path until you get to where AJ is with his career so you should never give up because success will come slowly.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


1) Why did you choose A Level Media Studies?
i enjoy doing media I did Media in year 11 and got a B grade hopefully this time i can do better.

2) Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?
Yes, I did media in year 11 with Mr Halsey and got B I enjoy media alot.

3) If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? What coursework tasks did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media?

I achieved a grade B i got an A in coursework and a C in exam i feel that exams were my weakness because i was never good at them. I managed to complete all the tasks in media however not always on time.

4) What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?
Because I got an B in year 11 I am hoping to get an A or A* in A level because i know that i can achieve it if I try harder.

5) What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?
I am thinking about doing an Apprenticeship because it will help me to get a job in the future and it will help me get good pay. 
6) What do you think the biggest media story of 2018 has been and why?
 Threats of WW3 starting
7) What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?
I read a lot about Mens Health and even after we were finished with the source and task i still carried on reading Mens Health books because they are very helpful.
8) What was the last film you watched?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
9) What is your favourite ever TV series?
10) How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why?
I spend around 4 hours a day on my phone i think this is too much because i do not get to spend much time with my family because i am either on my phone or i am revising.